Gone Fishing!

It’s finally here. Our annual summer vacation begins Saturday, June 29, 2024. The restaurant will be closed until July 16, 2024.

Some people think I’m nuts for shutting down for two weeks every year and maybe they’re right. The financial toll can be a bit daunting! But is it really? Think about the ROI for a moment. What do we get for giving up two weeks sales during the early summer?

In a word, we get ‘balance.’ Restaurant life can be a bit stressful, understatement intended, and it will take it’s toll, it always does. So, to maintain the passion, commitment and the high performance throughout the year we take a break, to maintain balance. Hopefully, before we really need one.

In addition to a consistently awarded dining experience, the ROI on being closed for two weeks shows in the tenure of our crew. Chef Lorna celebrates 20 years at the kitchen’s helm, and again this year, was awarded for her innovative Manitoba Cuisine. In person and online, guests continually remark on the high level service provided by Rawl, a professional server here for 10 years!

Working with these people is a pleasure, a privilege really. They are instrumental in maintaining the focus on food, service and ambiance at fusion grill. I know it’s not working with me. If it was Restaurant Survivor, I’d be the first one voted off the island! It’s the balance. And the cost is only a couple weeks of sales. That is a very valuable, return on investment, indeed.

So, we’ll all go together and we’ll be back on July 16, 2024 with bright shiny faces & rosy red cheeks ready for more good things to come. See you soon! – SM

The flavour of Freshness.
We purchase raw ingredients direct from local producers, fisher-folk & foragers.